Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Paisley in the Herald 2

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Well, what do you know?

The Herald reveals that the infamous Paisley Vision Bored (sic) (the barely acceptable face of the half wit Renfrewshire Council) has resurrected a plan that has lain hidden in their ideas biscuit tin for over 15 years.

A university quarter for Paisley is the latest headline. This lame plan was not taken up 15 years ago because it is precisely that, a lame plan.

Why is this being brought out now when it failed to surface all these years? Well it don’t need me to point out again, that the University of Paisley, due to financial pressure is going to merge with Bell college in Hamilton to create a West of Scotland University with over 18,000 students.

Also, this Plan was probably conceived by some fly by night 'Consultant' at the going rate of about 50k a pop, but the board were too embarrased to let this idea escape at the time. Now seems the ideal opportunity to use this expensive piece of think tankery to divert the attention away from the council and the board.

Why is this significant? Well the ‘ambitious’ £50m student quarter plan will not see the light of day and who will get the blame?

Not the Council who have let Paisley decline into a state of paralysis. Not the seemingly, newly unearthed 'Paisley Vision Board' who have been strangley silent ever since they were formed as the Town Centre Management Trust, about a thousand years ago and have slept soundly ever since, while Paisley perished.

The University thats who.

The council has used the former Paisley College of Technology as a cash cow for years. Now that the seemingly endless stream of funds are going to dry up, its time for a panic.

am sick o it!


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