Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fathers Day

My wee dad, as I have metioned earlier has Dementia. He knows he has it and I suppose while he knows he has it, he still has it, if you know what I mean.

He is a regular funny guy that can find humour in any situation. He has recently been taken to using a walking stick. He says that he does not really need it but the general view, he says, of an 83 year old is that they should have a stick and shuffle a bit.

He is not all that stable on his pins these days and all without the benefit of a bevvy, he says wistfully.

When we are together we play memory games, like see that woman over there she used to be the owner of the....... and whats her name again? So we sit in the doctors surgery going through the alphabet trying to remember her name and what she did. We start off with her daughter whose name also escapes us, but was a skinny wee thing wie long hair, that used to do a bit of cooking. What happened to her, we haven't seen her in a while? But by a process of elimination and deduction we finally get the answer, Well, he does, well before me anyway.

So it's not losing your memory, it's a poor thought retreval system. It's not geting old it's a gentle, general decline in health.

Happy Fathers day DAD!

Paw tae you!


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