Sunday, June 04, 2006

Straight talking

Aye, straight talking that's the thing, saying what's on yer mind, tell it like it is, lay it on the line, pull no punches.

Well, in the past I've always been a 'I can see your point' kinda guy, the middle of the road fence sitter that sees both sides of the coin. You try and please everyone and end up pleasing no one, especially yourself.

You think that if you try and be even handed with people they will do the same back, not so my friends. In my time I have found a few people like that but very few indeed.

You don't have to be rude to put your point across just say it calmly and clearly what you think and then stick to it.

I suppose I am writing this for myself, cause in all my years I have been done over by not sticking up for myself or my beliefs and I have molded my life on what I thought others wanted not what I did.

Wee lesson learnt, about time too.

What a View!


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