Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I was in the City of Discovery on Sunday and Monday at a conference.

What a great way of recharging your mental batteries and enthusiasim for doing things. Networking is a big part of these things and basically all that is, is blethering with folk that you have not met before. Blethering with people who you have met before is useful too. Catching up with what has been happening in their areas and how it relates to yours is particularly good.

Found out about some places in Scotland that I had never heard of before, Have you heard of EDAY or LUING? Well I hadn't smart arse. These wee communities are on islands in the western isles have as few as 130 people staying there. The problem they have is sustainability of the actual community as there is a great danger if they fall below a certain about of inhabitants it ceases to be viable. Anyway, they will go to extraorindary lenghts to get folk with familes to move there.

Great sessions of workshops and presentations awaited in between the cups of tea and conference dinner (a very nice meal and excellent wine provided the fuel for further blethering). There is a lot of very interesting and resourceful people out there.

The event really has given me a new breath of life. smashin eh?

Twit to woo!


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