Friday, June 09, 2006


Yeah! What am I doing writing about the old 666?

I've waited this long to see if "he who must not be named" (Lord Voldemort) was going to appear, riding a dragons body with a snakes head spreading fire and brimstone all aboot the place like the devil he can be, aided and abetted by the four horsemen.

Damien has failed to appear, the Omen and the dire predictions were wrong. Nae nasty wee goblins and terrible stramashes have happened. Earth shattering, world shaking, out of all proportion, seismic events have diminished into wee baby steps.

Well I suppose old Lucifer had a good look roon the auld Earth and thought, Sod it they are doing well enough to destroy the place without my help.

Feck it am aff the park tae sit in the sun and hiv a wee picnic and talk dirty wie Bethsheba the Babylon Babe.

coo ca choo!


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