Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Got a lot done today and felt the better for it, progress at last. Its murder when everyone seems to be dragging their feet. Trade not too bad the last couple of days so thats no bad either. Am no stickin around tonight, feel a bit nackered so I'll just push off.

Fry a zoo!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesdays ?

Aw for god's sake. Back to work and its like trying to climb a hill with skates on. Not that I would know anything about climbing hills.

I need to get tougher with things, too easy, must put my business head on, start being a bit more parsimonious, stop spreading it about, think of the future and generally look after the pennies a bit more carefully.

Never been good at that sort of thing, too optimistic, lackadaisical.


Bang it too!

A wee day oot

Me and missus GOMMER went oot for the day yesterday, we took a drive to Drymen. Some of the most beautiful countryside in the world is just on our doorstep you know! Leave the Bearsden area along the Carbeth Road and in minutes you are taken aback by the magnificence of the scenery.

majestic mountains and woodland are topped off by those wee fluffy clouds that you get during the summer.

Drymen itself is a smashing wee place, bustling with walkers and folk just out and about. A plate of fantastic, fresh, homemade fish and chips at the cafe and Pottery shop for lunch (I should have had the small one) and a short stagger back to the car.

Billy Connoly once stayed in Drymen, before he was famous right enough. I wouldn't mind staying there myself, in the summer.

We then popped along to Lomond shores at Balloch, which was heaving incidentally. A bit breezy but I spent a nice time watching the birds soar high above riding the wind. Alternating with observing the young folk on those daft peddallos, which seem a great idea, but against a fairly stiff wind were quite difficult to maneuver. A nice time while missus GOMMER was in the shops, Browsing.

Ah! Scotland the beautiful. Hame.

Keep a doo!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Holiday Weekends

Hi ya, Holiday weekends are great fun, you never know what is going to happen.

Mrs GOMMER went on the motorway today not just a wee bit a long bit, she has been driving now for 8? years and never has felt comfortable on the Mway, do any of us? A big step for her and I am dead proud, it also means that she can take her turn when we travel on holiday for instance.

lets hear it for Mrs GOMMER, gwan yer sel doll!!!

heap a poo!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Its a beautiful day

What a nice day, between the rain drops eh! nah? Just forget it then.

tea for two!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


What a busy day GOMMER has had. But got to spend time with my brothers doing family stuff and had a spot of lunch. It was good to spend time together we all try to talk at the same time about different things that are going on in our lives. Eventually we manage to get it all out and feel that we all have got whatever it was off our chest.

Got a lot done today too, very productive.

Don't say Boo!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Like someone else, who I loved very much and is no longer here now, Ma wee daddy has Multi Infract Dementia, has had for about 5/6 years now, but he is really beginning to notice how bad it is getting, and he gets angry about it. I reason it out with him and say "like everything else dad, as you get older everything slows down, your legs, your hearing as well as the brain. It takes you longer to walk somewhere and it takes you longer to remember and to understand what people are saying, its inevitable".

He nods, scrunches his face and shrugs his shoulders in acceptance, "ach well" he says "I suppose that's the reason how sometimes at the centre when I'm playing dominos with the guys, I kinda stop and wonder what I am doing and where I am" he continues: "But what about my sister? She is older than me and she's as sharp as a razor".

I do his shrug and he gets the message, "just ma luck eh?" he says.

Aye, regardless of how you live your life or what/who you believe in at the end of the day, despite all your efforts it comes down to that in reality.

It's just your luck.

Jump the queue,

Monday, May 22, 2006


Oh no! the post festivities blues have settled on GOMMER's shoulders. Its not all Birthday cakes and cards you know. Life goes on at a merry pace but I am stuck in the mire. You know when you come back from a great holiday still full of relaxation, the colours, music and general laidbackness of it all. Then you land at Glasgow Airport on a dull, wet and dreary tuesday at a rediculously early time and you realise that this is indeed reality, then the holiday vanishes... just like that.
That is exactly what it feels like, "back tae auld claes and porrige" as my Italian Maw used to say.

However, I have a credo that if it wasn't for the bad times you would not really appriciate the good. The old Yin and Yang scenario.

Equal measures of what ever you do is the best way, ok that is the traditional view of a great fence sitter. You may notice, if you look closely enough, a rather flat strip on my BUM, yep you guessed it, thats from the fence i have been sitting on all my puff.

Buy for two!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Crackin day

What a crackin day I had yesterday, my kids popped in with cards and pressies, but the tottie was at Braehead. Great meal last night and a wee bottle of Champagne rounded off a fine day. The cards ranged from downright filthy to soppy sentimentality but the all had the effect of putting a big smile on my face. Big Thanks to mrs GOMMER and all who gave me cards.

Buy a Coo!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday dear GOMMER, Happy Birthday to me.

Its my Birthday. Yep 20th May, just still a Taurus, stubborn, overindulgent and selfish, and a fence sitter, and quite content to be so. All the hallmark traits of a Taurean, so they say.

Its a laff innit all this horroscopal stuff? I better consult my stars before I decide what I am going to wear to-day, or lets see what the stars say before I walk out the door.

So what am I going to do with my Birthday,I dunno, but I will mark its arrival in a small or rather, several small ways.

Well, just thinking, I suppose it must be someone else's too. I can only think of one and the poor bloke died in a car crash a while ago. He would have made an excellent GOMMER had he stayed on his side of the road.

I knew a guy who was a GOMMER since birth, he was effan brilliant at it, he was a natural GOMMER, he was the essence of GOM, he looked as if the word GOMMER was invented for him, mind you it might have been him that invented GOM. As you may have guessed he is no longer with us either.

Funny that a birthday makes you reflect on mortality or as Alabama 3 (them that sang the theme tune to the Sopranos, 'Woke up this morning') would say 'another cold grey step to the grave'. Thats Kicking the erse oot it, in my opinion, mind you.

Anyway enough Psychobable, i'm off to enjoy the day, its not all about typing you know.

Buy! the noo.

Friday, May 19, 2006

squiro ramblings: Squiro Becomes a GOMMER

Ho Hum

Ho Hum, another day in the GOMMER life, This day is filled with wee niggles. You go to all the hard work of creating a new menu for the Pub and all people can do is pick holes in it. This is no on it that is no on it, I don't really like that, can I no have this instead. Why have a menu at all, why don't the customers come in and ask for something right off the top of their head and see if we have it. Guide lines, thats all it is, a guide line. We have one of the best menus in the area, we are proud of our chef, he does a great job in producing fine food, nothing fancy mind, good honest fayre. People don't like change, stick to the things you know. If Vespucci had thought that way there would not be an America (Hmmm!!) maybe not the best example. I love America me, the people are great. Anyway off to work.

bye the noo

Thursday, May 18, 2006

that was easier than I thought it would be.

Thats the trouble will being a GOMMER, you think things will be more difficult to do than they actually are. Whats the message? Give it a go, you never know.

Bye for now

Women just can't be a GOMMER!!!!!!!

'GOMMERS' are a growing bunch, there are plenty all around you all day and every day. They are increasing every year, they are always male.

This is not a sexually exclusive thing, women just can't be a GOMMER. I am a GOMMER and have been for nearly 25 years, I am not proud of being one, its just a fact,
I am a GOMMER.

There are lots of things that can make you a GOMMER, but you never know when it will happen, but you can be sure that it definitely will.

Its like, you wake in the morning and you just realise that you are indeed a GOMMER. Although other things can trigger it off, you may be out walking your dog, you may be reading a newspaper or watching the TV, you may even be on the 'phone, in a car or on a bus. Then the realisation slowly dawns on you that you are somehow different to what you were just seconds ago. You are different, you, without meaning to, have joined the GOMMERS.

Once you become a GOMMER there is no going back, you can never be normal again, you might think that you can control it, or that it will wear off somehow, or it will be different tomorrow, after a good nights sleep. Forget it, accept the fact that you are now a GOMMER, wallow in your GOMness, enjoy it, feel it, be it.

Acceptance is your only hope of facing the future as a GOMMER.

What is a GOMMER? I might say, or you might guess, whatever.

Bye for now.