Thursday, May 18, 2006

Women just can't be a GOMMER!!!!!!!

'GOMMERS' are a growing bunch, there are plenty all around you all day and every day. They are increasing every year, they are always male.

This is not a sexually exclusive thing, women just can't be a GOMMER. I am a GOMMER and have been for nearly 25 years, I am not proud of being one, its just a fact,
I am a GOMMER.

There are lots of things that can make you a GOMMER, but you never know when it will happen, but you can be sure that it definitely will.

Its like, you wake in the morning and you just realise that you are indeed a GOMMER. Although other things can trigger it off, you may be out walking your dog, you may be reading a newspaper or watching the TV, you may even be on the 'phone, in a car or on a bus. Then the realisation slowly dawns on you that you are somehow different to what you were just seconds ago. You are different, you, without meaning to, have joined the GOMMERS.

Once you become a GOMMER there is no going back, you can never be normal again, you might think that you can control it, or that it will wear off somehow, or it will be different tomorrow, after a good nights sleep. Forget it, accept the fact that you are now a GOMMER, wallow in your GOMness, enjoy it, feel it, be it.

Acceptance is your only hope of facing the future as a GOMMER.

What is a GOMMER? I might say, or you might guess, whatever.

Bye for now.


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