Thursday, April 12, 2007

Paisley, Lets lift ourselves up

Hi Folks,

The council has decided, belatedly to do something about the town. They will do this by investing upwards of £7m in Paisley and dedicating time as well as money to attract an additional £50m of inward investment from the private sector.

So what are we the ordinary ‘Buddies’ of the town going to do?

If you want my opinion, we should get behind the people whose job it is to take this investment forward.

The newly appointed Project Manager (Town Centre Regeneration) and his staff need our support and our vision for the future. We can and are obliged to contribute to the town’s renewal. Our thoughts and input on what should be the way forward is vital for the regeneration proposals to take effect in a meaningful manner.

What can we do?

Vocalise your opinion on what should happen in our town; write to the planning officials, MSP’s, councillors and the local press demanding a public consultation in what is after all our future. Get active; make your feelings known to the people that should care about the town as much as we do. By involving ourselves in the plan it will be shaped in the way we want it to, not what some official thinks it should be.

If we don’t we can’t complain if it turns out bad and not what we want.

The only way we will get what we want for Paisley is if we get up of our hind legs and do something about it.

Come on fellow Buddies lets get involved.



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