Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Britain Vs America

Click on the title above to read the story

I read in the above link that Britain is to pay a final instalment to the US for the Lend/Lease loan that we got in 1941. Or last payment of around £45m wil be made on the 31st December 2006.

It was nice of them to help us out during the war and it was nice of them to only take a 2% interest rate and its nice to see that we take our debt seriously and have a desire to repay any loan due by us.

Therefore imagine my amazement when I read further on in the article that we are still owed over £2.5 Billon from other countries from the First World War.

I know that its ancient history and that it should remain in the past, but that dosh could have been used here. Two years repayment of that Lend/Lease loan could have paid for a hospital for God's sake, or improvements to our schools.

We could even have donated it to clear some of the Third world debt. What do I know of Global finance, I just know there could have been a better way.

Bank it noo!


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