Friday, July 18, 2008

Where the Hell have I been?

Hi Gang,

What a coincidence, I was looking through my favourite places when I thought to myself "I have not been to the Blog for ages". When I got here I saw that it was a year ago tomorrow since I had logged on and submitted an entry.

What has happend in the past year I hear you ask, well not much really, I am still having a really difficult time with my fellow siblings over my folks estate, I never thought that my parents dying could have such an adverse effect on the relationship with my brothers and sister. As a result of this and a wee scare last winter, mortality has reared its ugly head, you don't mean to dwell on it but we are all getting older and it is an increasing part of life, just like a wee production line.

Paisley is continuing to feel better with lots of ideas and actions starting to happen, the buzz in the town is certainly giving a sense that progress can be made.

I just remembered a year ago I was still in Hamilton with my Pals, due to the uncertainties of that type of work a lot of my chums have moved on to other things, I'm glad in a way that they are all moving on as it makes it easier for me to know hat it was not just me that left there but that everyone else is changing too.

Not a very inspiring entry this time but we are off on holiday soon and hope to have a much fuller blog the next time, though it might be, God willing in another year..... or so!

Asta La Vista.