Sunday, September 24, 2006

Paisley Putters while Aberdeen Advances

Aberdeen City Masterplan Approved
The masterplan to breathe new life into the heart of Aberdeen received the
unanimous backing of the city councillors this week. The proposals had been
approved by 73% of the public who had responded to a massive public
consultation exercise. The 29-page Masterplan maps out proposals to
transform a major part of the city centre by creating three distinctive new
"neighbourhoods" -
* a new Retail Heart centred on the Bon Accord Shopping Centre and John
Lewis; a footbridge of glass and lightweight structural materials would
link the upper level of the Bon Accord Centre to the St Nicholas Centre.
* a new Green Heart in the area of the St Nicholas Shopping Centre, St
Nicholas Kirk and kirkyard, and Marks and Spencer; a winter garden with
restaurants and cafes could be created above the St Nicholas Centre.
* a new Civic Heart focused on Marischal College and Provost Skene’s House
with a new civic square.
The owners of the two main shopping centres in Aberdeen have worked closely
with the council planners on the proposals which, it is hoped, will produce
a retail experience in Aberdeen that will make it one of the best in
Scotland. Retail space will be boosted by 33% to 74,000 square metres, but
all new building heights are planned to be broadly in line with what
already exists. The plan should make a significant contribution to the
regeneration of the city centre, with new public open spaces, green "oases"
for relaxation, redesigned bus routes, new cycleways, public artworks,
better lighting, clear signposting from landmark to landmark, extra parking
space and far easier access for all.

It pains me to say it again, everyone else seems to be getting their act together apart from our council. The piece above is indicative of how seriously some towns and cities are taking the future sustainability of their surroundings. A massive 73% of the population responded to a consultation process initiated by the council. Here, in what is probably one of the most gifted archetecturally speaking towns in Scotland, the council don't even acknowlege the populace never mind consult with it. Demand to know what the council schemers are up to. They know their days are numbered and yet they do nothing. What plans have they for when the Co-op pulls out of the Paisley Centre in 5 months time? SFA seems to be the answer.

Gonny dae something Paisley.