Thursday, November 04, 2010

another year over

Here I am, another year older and deeper in debt as the song goes. I know, I know I said that I would keep the blog up to date, but it seems that I must clear out my favorite places at this time of year and notice that I have a blog. Its purely coincidendtal, I'm amazed myself.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

hey how you doin????

February, fur goads sake where the heck have I been??

I quite liked that last pist though I got fed up near the end of it. I was probably having A 'Glass of wine' and rapidly lost the fukkin place.

I'll get back to you my littel chickadees!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Talking Shops

I've been neglecting my duties as a blogger for nearly a year, its not that I have not had anything to say but as usual I have my head in another place all this time.

The title of this entry does not indicate that I have found a new breed of retail outlet that will actually converse with you. No indeed the invetors and innovators of the world may be at this very moment installing voice recognition systems in shops. It makes you wonder though if they did go down this route and actually have a shop that knew when you had entered and was able to direct you and your enquiery to the relevant department, what would it sound like?

Obviously, if you went into Harrods the tone you would hear would be marketedly different from that used in the MacDonalds drive through. An interesting thought and it could be the subject of a future blog entry.

What I am realy on about is the talking shops that take place every morning, afternoon and sometimes evening up and down the British isles. In commitee rooms and offices, in councils and clubs, in fact in anywhere where 2 or more 'professionals' meet to discuss their role in a bigger picture. Quoting buzz words and acronyms all over the place, each trying to sound more knowledgeble than their colleagues. The most obvious question is does it actually produce a proposal and an indication of the way forward, going forward or are we waiting to report on our outcomes and markers, or is there an indication in the guidelines of the interim report to that effect?

Hour after hour of one uppersonship trying to introduce a new expression for a very old ........... I got fed up, sorry...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Where the Hell have I been?

Hi Gang,

What a coincidence, I was looking through my favourite places when I thought to myself "I have not been to the Blog for ages". When I got here I saw that it was a year ago tomorrow since I had logged on and submitted an entry.

What has happend in the past year I hear you ask, well not much really, I am still having a really difficult time with my fellow siblings over my folks estate, I never thought that my parents dying could have such an adverse effect on the relationship with my brothers and sister. As a result of this and a wee scare last winter, mortality has reared its ugly head, you don't mean to dwell on it but we are all getting older and it is an increasing part of life, just like a wee production line.

Paisley is continuing to feel better with lots of ideas and actions starting to happen, the buzz in the town is certainly giving a sense that progress can be made.

I just remembered a year ago I was still in Hamilton with my Pals, due to the uncertainties of that type of work a lot of my chums have moved on to other things, I'm glad in a way that they are all moving on as it makes it easier for me to know hat it was not just me that left there but that everyone else is changing too.

Not a very inspiring entry this time but we are off on holiday soon and hope to have a much fuller blog the next time, though it might be, God willing in another year..... or so!

Asta La Vista.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Onwards and Upwards

HI ya,

Iv'e not been on for a while, been really busy working. Anyway here I am, just to say that things in Paisley are relly starting to happen again. There is a lot of activity going on in the corridors of power, change of councillors etc, some of the new lot have interesting ideas that they want to gain support for.

The regeneration of the Town centre is in the process of becoming a major project that will see Paisley brought back to the fore as a major town in Scotland again.

Aye, of course its going to be a long road but there are groups in the town that are really getting behind the whole idea of Paisley being a great place to live and work once more.

Know what you can do to help bring Paisley back up again?

Get involved, go to meetings, ask your elected representatives if they are behind all the initiatives that are in the process being implimented and ask them what you can do to help.

The previously much maligned Paisley Vision Board has seen sense and has started to involve more of the regular folk of the town in the plans for the regeneration of it.

New developments at the Cross and elsewhere will see more people living in the town centre, which will bring more foot traffic into the town, which in turn will encourage shops to re-open to cater for the increased numbers.

Experts in the field of regeneration, during a recent town visit said 'Paisley has some of the most attractive, diverse and significant buildings of archetectural merit that we have seen'.

Make no mistake Paisley is starting to get talked about again and this time for all the right reasons. Keep you ear out and listen and not only that tell folk yourself that we are on the up again and its time to say it once more.......................


Go on!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Well done people of Paisley

Hi all you voters out there.

Well done Paisley and Renfrewshire folk, the message has gone out to the elected representatives on the council.

NOC! Dontcha just love it? NO OVERALL CONTROL, in my opinion the best possible result that could ever come out of this election. By giving the SNP and Labour equal amounts of seats on the council we have shown the people in the fancy seats that we want them to work together to advance Paisley's future. Any other result would have given the wrong message to them. What I mean is that now we have them in our power where they should be, they will have to promote concensus politics, consider the voters and each other when making a decision on our and our town's behalf.

I trust we will not hear SNP crow that they are the choice of the Renfrewshire people and the same goes for the Labour party.

Onwards and Upwards Paisley people.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Paisley, Lets lift ourselves up

Hi Folks,

The council has decided, belatedly to do something about the town. They will do this by investing upwards of £7m in Paisley and dedicating time as well as money to attract an additional £50m of inward investment from the private sector.

So what are we the ordinary ‘Buddies’ of the town going to do?

If you want my opinion, we should get behind the people whose job it is to take this investment forward.

The newly appointed Project Manager (Town Centre Regeneration) and his staff need our support and our vision for the future. We can and are obliged to contribute to the town’s renewal. Our thoughts and input on what should be the way forward is vital for the regeneration proposals to take effect in a meaningful manner.

What can we do?

Vocalise your opinion on what should happen in our town; write to the planning officials, MSP’s, councillors and the local press demanding a public consultation in what is after all our future. Get active; make your feelings known to the people that should care about the town as much as we do. By involving ourselves in the plan it will be shaped in the way we want it to, not what some official thinks it should be.

If we don’t we can’t complain if it turns out bad and not what we want.

The only way we will get what we want for Paisley is if we get up of our hind legs and do something about it.

Come on fellow Buddies lets get involved.